
About Zain ITTS

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So far Zain ITTS has created 21 blog entries.


By |January 3rd, 2021|Uncategorized|

Wishing every day of the new year to be filled with success, happiness, and prosperity for you, happy new year. #PerkinsUK #Perkins #GeneratoCompany #ManufacturingCompany #Leroysomer #Generator


By |February 21st, 2019|Uncategorized|

Perkins Engines Company Limited ("Perkins") requires its distributors to comply with all applicable laws, export control regulations, sanctions and Perkins' policy.  International Technical Trading Services FZC (ITTS), is an independent Generator Equipment Manufacturer that uses Perkins diesel engines to power their generators. Accordingly, ITTS expects its resellers and customers, to also comply with these requirements. Perkins is subject to various [...]

Power Generation Companies Dubai

By |October 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|

If you are searching for Power Generation Companies Dubai UAE. ITTS-ME has its own Power Generation plant. In perspective of successive break downs and substantial variances in the electric power supply from national utility and to meet the necessity of our cutting edge hardware for continuous power supply. The administration of International Technical Trading Services of Companies chose in 1996 [...]

Power Generator for sale in UAE

By |June 24th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Having a generator for domestic or commercial use has become equally crucial these days. The increasing rates of electricity and sudden power breakage can cause serious threats to your business or home matters. This is the reason that many people now prefer to purchase. Their own power generators instead of relying on electricity supply corporations. Keeping that in mind, the [...]

Perkins Diesel Generator UAE

By |January 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Perkins Diesel Generator UAE Electricity is one of the best discoveries of science and it’s a blessing that is supplied to each and every household of the world. The houses that are not yet blessed with this technology don’t even know what they are missing and are still living in the stone age. We take this blessing for granted [...]

Diesel Generators in UAE

By |October 13th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Since the early 2000's, power demand in the UAE has been growing steadily. There are few bumps along the way but the requirement is always there. Construction contractors are always procuring generators for their sites, a rough application for generators. Always running every day, hours on end until the next site. There's no alternative quite as good yet as a [...]

Not just Trading but Customizing Solutions

By |October 13th, 2017|Uncategorized|

International Technical Trading Services FZC started out as a trader but grew into something much more. The humble beginnings have gone from a few guys trading materials and doing service to selling in millions and overlooking the UAE/GCC market. ITTS has at the helm, technical experts in their respective areas. Each one controlling their respective area and providing the support [...]

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